First Aid Kit and Rabbit Vital Stats
First Aid Kit
Bag Balm: for applying to sores, abrasions, and sore hocks
Bandages and sterile gauze: to bandage wounds
Chamomile Tea or Rescue Remedy: used to calm a stressed rabbit
Antiseptic (such as betadine or Blu-kote): For cleaning wounds
Disposable razor: to shave the fur around a wound
Electrolytes: if your rabbit is not drinking or it has diarrhea, it will become dehydrated and loose electrolytes. Make sure they are unflavored and rabbit safe!
Eye Dropper: for administering medicine. Make sure the cc amounts are marked on the eye dropper.
Flea Comb: for removing fleas and their eggs
Ice pack: for cooling a rabbit in case of stress or heatstroke. Be sure to gradually cool a rabbit to prevent shock!
KY jelly (Or Vaseline): for lubrication with a thermometer
Miticide: for treating ear mites. Ivermectin works well.
Neosporin: for applying to wounds
Oral Syringes: (No needles). This is used to force feed or liquid into the rabbit if it is not eating or drinking.
Petromalt: used to prevent and to treat hairballs
Probiotic Paste: can help a rabbit recover after antibiotics or going off feed. I like Immunizer and Bene-Bac brand. Be sure it is rabbit safe!
Styptic Powder: for stopping the bleeding if a nail is cut too short.
Saline solution: to flush the eye if it is infected or has something in it
Scissors (Small, sharp): to clip fur away from wounds, etc.
Sterile Cotton Balls: to apply topical treatments or to clean wounds.
Syringes with needles: to give antibiotic and other injections. (If you are not familiar with injecting rabbits, leave this up to the vet.)
Thermometer (Animal or pediatric anal): for taking the temperature. The temperature should be from 100 F to 102.5 F.
Towels of varying sizes: to wrap a stressed or struggling rabbit in
Tweezers: to remove ticks, burrs, foxtails, etc.
Rabbit Vital Stats
Below are the normal vital signs for domestic rabbits. It is best to know the norm for your rabbit for each sign so you can tell if something is wrong, since there is such a wide range of norms for each sign, depending on age, size, and breed.
Resting Heart Rate: 180-350 beats per minute (1)
Respiratory Rate: 30 to 60 breaths per minute at rest (2)
Rectal Temperature: 101.4 to 103.8 *F (3)