Rabbit Chromosomal Linkage Groups

Linkage Groups are used to tell which genes are found in close physical proximity to each other on the same chromosome. Linked genes mean that the allele (version) of one gene tends to be inherited together with a specific allele of another gene. An example is wideband is typically inherited with strong rufus factor. The closer on the chromosome two genes are, the more tightly linked they are. That means that it is difficult to break the way the alleles of the two genes are inherited together. Ones that are further apart on the chromosome have linkage more easily broken. Genes located on different chromosomes are inherited entirely separately from one another. Distances between loci are measured in centimorgans (cM). A spacing of one cM indicates a 1% chance that two genes will separate via crossing over. Crossing over 

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Linkage Group 1

Loci/genes found in this linkage group:

Color Locus (C)
Yellow Fat Locus (Y): 
Brown Locus (B)

Known distances between loci (plural of locus) in this linkage group:
Color is 14.4 cM to  Yellow Fat which is 28.4 cM  to Brown.
C — 14.4 — Y — 28.4 — B

Linkage Group 2

Loci/genes found in this linkage group:
Dutch (Du)
English Spotting (En)
Longhair (L)

Known distances between loci (plural of locus) in this linkage group:
Dutch is 1.2 cM away from English Spotting which is 13.1 cM to Longhair
Du — 1.2 — En — 13.1 — L

Linkage Group 3

Loci/genes found in this linkage group:
Rex1 (R1)
Rex2 (R2)

Known distances between loci (plural of locus) in this linkage group:
Rex1 is 17.2 cM to Rex2
R1 — 17.2 — R2

Linkage Group 4

Loci/genes found in this linkage group:

Extension Locus (E)
Agouti Locus (A)
Dwarfing Locus (Dw)
Wideband Locus (W)
Macrostomus (Mst)

Known distances between loci (plural of locus) in this linkage group:
Agouti is 14.7 cM to Dwarfing then 15.4 cM to Wideband

A — 14.7 — dw — 15.4 — w

Linkage Group 5

Loci/genes found in this linkage group:
Furless (F)
Brachydactyly (Br)

Known distances between loci (plural of locus) in this linkage group:
Furless is 28.3 cM to Brachydactyly
F — 28.3 — Br