Lutino Locus - P
Lutino is a fairly new mutation in rabbits. In ARBA, only Netherland Dwarfs are showable in lutino colors.
The P Locus has two different alleles in it: ‘P', and ‘p’. ‘P’ is the most dominant and ‘p’ is the most recessive.
P: Non-Lutino
p: Lutino
The ‘P’ allele is the Non-Lutino allele. All varieties that are not Lutino based must have at least one of these alleles. If they have two of these alleles, then they are homozygous (Meaning it is “pure” for that allele, so that it cannot produce anything recessive to it no matter what it is bred to) for Non-Lutino.
Lutino is characterized by the reduction of eumelanin (black pigment) from both coat and eyes, leaving pink eyes and altering the coat color to a muted color.
The ‘p’ allele is the Lutino allele. All Lutino based colors must have two of these alleles, and are automatically homozygous for Lutino.
The following varieties are examples of varieties with the Lutino allele:
Shadow Lutino, Orange Lutino, Dove Lutino

Orange Lutino
A_ B_ C_ D_ ee enen pp
Photo credit: Cactus Rabbitry

Shadow Lutino
A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ enen pp
Photo credit: Cactus Rabbitry

Dove Lutino
aa B_ C_ D_ E_ enen pp

Champagne (Chocolate) Lutino
aa bb C_ D_ E_ enen pp
Lutino plus dilute or chocolate results in even lighter colors. It can become very tricky to tell exact genotypes apart when Lutino plus other alleles come into play. Lutino + Black base = "Dove". Lutino + Blue base = "Silver". Lutino + Chocolate base = "Champagne". Lutino + Lilac base = Lavender.
Lutino can also affect other colors such as chinchilla, sable, etc. This makes even lighter color rabbits, since there is not orange left after Lutino dilutes the color. Himalayans with Lutino will still have points, but the points will be much more muted in color.

Silver (Dilute) Orange Lutino
A_ B_ C_ dd ee enen pp

Silver (Blue) Shadow Lutino
A_ B_ C_ dd E_ enen pp

Silver (Blue) Lutino
aa B_ C_ dd E_ enen pp

Lavender (Lilac) Lutino
aa bb C_ dd E_ enen pp